Monday, May 15, 2006

Idle Time

Have downloaded myself a few GB of music. All that I always wanted to listen to. Have not gotten round to listening to any of it. Do most of my listening at work and the music played usually needs the approval of those around me. So the Travelling Wilbury's are about as adventurous as I can get. Some of my colleagues who are above 30, have heard some of their songs. Have not yet rigged up a music system at home so all the music that I have downloaded lies dormant in my D drive.

Got myself a DVD player. A Phillips model dubbed - the king of playability, with the promise of playing anything - even pirated Chinese ones. A few days ago, a Chinese man whose English vocabulary was restricted to DVD landed up at our doorstep selling the latest English movies for just 10 AED per DVD. I bought 10. Basic Instinct 2 was disappointing; Transamerica, unusual; The Constant Gardener, brilliant; Memoirs of a Geisha - so-so; the rest I have forgotten and a few I have still not seen.

Have given up on a few books. Among them , The World is Flat - American propoganda; Autobiography of a Yogi - could only take 200 odd pages of disappearing saints etc; Lawrance of Arabia - just too damn complex to comprehend (though have resolved not to give up on it).

Am a bit bored.


Anonymous said...

Idle Time. Now that's something I most wanna identify with.

Unknown said...

i too gave up world is flat - didnt have the same grip as Freakonomics - which, anyways, i read much later.

Anonymous said...

Saw Malena, The Cook The Thief His Wife and Her Lover and an absolute bummer of a film called Maramour by Tinto Brass. Then promptly went off to sleep with sweet wet dreams that made the first working day seem less aggravating.